Friday, October 18, 2013

Blogging Your Book- Fall 2013

Instead of writing a book report over the book you've been reading, Mr. Kennedy and I are asking you to blog your book. What that means is you are going to do the following on this JW Page Masters blog site:
  • Create a 300 word blog post by summarizing and reviewing the book you read. You want others to get a a "snapshot" of what the book is about  so be sure to include:
    • author name
    • title of the book
    • plot summary
    • character summary
    • include two quotes from the book (be sure to indicate the page number in parenthesis after each quote)
  • After summarizing the book recommend this book -or not- and explain your feelings. Include examples or excerpts from the book to support your writing. 
    • The title of your blog should be the title of the book + your name
  • Create all of your writing on your iPad using a Google Doc.  After you have revised and edited your review, you will be sent an email invitation to post your review.
Once everyone has added their review to the blog, you will be asked to do the following:
  • Comment or Question on three (3) other posts. After you have created your post, we want you to read the posts of your other classmates and comment or question on three (3) of them. Examples include: "I read that book and didn't like the ending ...... what did you think?" or "I read that book and loved it...what was it about the book that you thought was unrealistic?" "Has this author written other books?"

This is a school blog so appropriate language and behavior are expected. If your blog or comments are inappropriate, they will be removed and you will lose credit for the assignment.

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