Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Bradley Homewood

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is about a boy with a very poor and trashy life. If you do not have a lot of patience to read the beginning of the story you might not like Huckleberry Finn other than that I would recommend the book.
 Having a drunk dad that goes around and causes problems whenever he gets money to drink, Huck doesn't know all that much.  He has a friend named Tom Sawyer that always convinces him to do dumb stuff. Tom Sawyer convinces Huck to join his gang and if anyone outside of the gang finds out about the gang whoever let word out about the gangs parents will be killed along with the gang member.
 Huck eventually lives with his dad for awhile and his dad locks Huck in the house and goes out and gets drunk and comes back home and beats Huck. Eventually Huck runs away from his dads home and fakes his death by killing a pig and putting blood from it all over the cabin.
 Miss Watson is a lady that tries to civilize Huck constantly and has fed and housed Huck before. Jim is Miss Watson’s slave and runs away fearing Miss Watson is going to sell him to a plantation down the road. Huck and Jim meet up and work together to stay alive and what not.
Eventually Huck ends up in the home of a family called the Grangerfords who have been stuck in a war with another big family called the Shepherdsons. Huck gets tangled up in the war but he runs away to Jim's hiding place and they escape through the river.

Huckleberry Finn eventually  has a big turnaround in the story with Tom Sawyer again. The Phelpses which are Tom Sawyers Aunt and Uncle have Jim captured as their slave now. Tom and Huck meet up again and Tom makes a very complicated plan to free Jim from his own Aunt and Uncle.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Go Ask Alice ~ Jacey Guy

The book that I read is called Go Ask Alice by Anonymous. This book starts out with a normal young high school girl who is always thinking. Worried about her weight, boys, and having trouble trying to get along with her parents. Along with all of that she just moved to a new town, which means she’ll be going to a new school. She starts to feel like the outcast at school and doesn’t have any friends. But soon after she moves she makes friends with a neighbor of hers, her name is Beth.
As summer rolls around Beth leaves goes to a summer camp so Alice decides that she needs some time away. Alice decided that she is going to go live with her grandparents for a while. While she is at her grandparents she meets up with an old friend Jill. After they get done talking Jill said that she would be giving Alice a call to hang out sometime. “Oh Diary, I’m so happy I could cry! It did happen! Jill called at exactly 10:32. I know because I’d been sitting by the phone with my watch in my hand trying to send ESP signals to her. She’s having a few kids over for an autograph party, thank heavens I brought my year book…” Pg. 30. Little did Alice know it wasn’t just an autograph party. They played a game called “Button, Button, Who’s Got The Button?”. They brought out Coke’s for everyone to drink, “… 10 out of the 14 bottles of coke had LSD in them and, “button, button,” no one knew just who would wind up with them.” Alice enjoying the trip she got, made her want to try more drugs.
Getting into many situations that has led her to run away from home to get a “better life” has simply not happened exactly how she planned. From starvation, to prostitution to get drugs, living in dirty homes, sleeping on playgrounds, Alice has had a pretty bad time with drugs. As many times as she’s tried to quit she ends up going back to it. Once she realizes she needs help she decides to go back home. Always living in fear and promising herself not to relapse.
I recommend this book to anyone. For someone who doesn’t really enjoy reading, I loved this book.  Hearing these little parts of this girl’s life and what she went through is very interesting. You definitely can feel what she’s feeling at the moment in the book.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Marshall Petesch - Catch 22

Catch 22 takes place during World War 2 and is a story about an Air Force squadron.  The main character in this story is Yossarian, he is a captain and the lead bombardier in his squadron.  Through out this story you go through thinking that Yossarian is the crazy one but as you read you start to find out that he is the only sane one left.  In the beginning Yossarian is in the army hospital pretending to be sick so that he can get out of combat duty.  While he is there he is assigned to censer letters that are going home to family members.  he soon finds this to be boring so to make it interesting he starts to blacken out random words or going as far as to blacken out entire letters except one or two words.  When he finds singing his name to be boring he starts to sign his name as Washington Irving, then Irving Washington.  You can quickly see that the whole story is about Yossarian going against the norm or what is expected of him.  It is for that reason that he at first seems to be the crazy one, when all he is trying to do is not die in combat.  This book does contain different points of views so that the reader can better understand the main character and the wear that war can take on you mentally.  Some other important characters include, Doc Daneeka, Colonel Cathcart, Hungry Joe, McWatt, Dunbar, and Major Major Major Major.   I personally liked this book but it is not something I would recommend to anyone.  It is a fairly difficult book to read but has a lot of corny humor in it.  This book does bring a meaning to Catch 22, which is a no win situation in which there is no escape.

Flyboy's By Parker Markham

By James Bradley

In Flyboys, the real horror of the book is war itself, and the nature of war doesn't differ much on either side of the conflict. Horrible things happen in war that's the way war is. Dwelling on the crimes of one side or the other just feeds the fires of conflict, years after the end of hostilities. Even the most terrible of war crimes, like what happened to eight stranded American Navy, Marine and Army Air Corps flyers on the remote Pacific island of Chichi Jima, must be understood as part of the overall horrors of war.

This is a story of what happened to a group of American naval aviators on the Japanese held island of Chichi Jima was a long-held secret, buried within the flurry of war-crime trials. Chichi Jima was a sideshow in the war, one of the Bonin Islands, near the vastly more famous Iwo Jima. Iwo Jima had room for an airstrip; Chichi Jima only had room for a huge radio station, sending intelligence data back to Tokyo. That made it a secondary target. Were tasked to destroy it. Anti-aircraft fired form the island brought some of the American planes down, and their surviving crew members parachuted to the island as prisoners.

What happened to Jimmy Dye, Glenn Frazier, Floyd Hall, Marve Mershon, Dick Woelhof, Grady York, Warren Earl Vaughan, and the anonymous B-24 crewman who shared their fates is shocking so much so that even their families could not know the whole truth. It was certainly a violation of the Geneva Convention protecting the rights of prisoners of war. It was so awful that most of the Japanese soldiers had to be ordered to participate.

This concludes my blog on Flyboys although I really did not like the book it was just too boring and long for my liking. I felt that draged on about the war and what happened to the pilots.

20,000 Leagues Under The Sea by Tyler Flint

                The book 20,000 leagues under the sea was published in 1870 by Jules Verne.  The book starts off with a mysterious creature that is wondering the sea and damaging ships. The creature is 25 feet long and is appearing at different places across the world in a matter of weeks or days. This gives you an idea for the great speed of this creature. Our main character Professor Pierre Aronnax is a Marine Biologist and assumes this creature is a type of Narwhal that hasn’t been classified yet. She believes this because of the triangular shaped puncture in the side of one of the ships, which could be explained by the Narwhals horn. A ship was specifically designed to go out and hunt this creature down; Ned Land is a very skilled with a harpoon so he was asked to come aboard the expedition, Professor Aronnax was asked to come aboard so that he could classify the creature. When they finally caught up to the creature, the creature had hit their propeller and knocked Ned Land, Professor Aronnax in the water. Conseil (Professor Aronnax’s assistant) had jumped in the water to help professor Aronnax. When in the water they found a platform to stand on. This platform was the top of the creature, it was made of steal. It turned out to be a submarine that was secretly made by a small group of people. The Captain had designed this submarine to be sustainable on only the materials he obtained from the ocean. This way he could stay at sea for the rest of his life and never have to go to land. Captain Nemo hated the corrupted world so he sentenced himself to exile at sea. The ship was all electric that he obtained power through the salt and phosphorus he found in the ocean. He hunted with pressurized air guns that had electric bullets and could kill any mammal with one hit. With everything Nemo had he was self-sustainable at sea for the rest of his life. The Crew let Ned and Professor Aronnax and Conseil aboard with the only rule that they could never leave because they know his secret.

Bleachers - by Branson Vaught

I read the book Bleachers by John Grisham. The book is about a former highschool quarterback Neely Crenshaw who has tried to keep football out of his life until he gets a call that his highschool coach has died and the funeral is this weekend. Neely was a hero to his town and everyone there. In his college career Neely hurt his knee bad and will never be able to play football again let alone barely walk. He is angry at the way his Coach Eddie Rake made him think that football is everything. He meets up with some of his buddies from highschool and the remember all the memories from there senior season. They talk about all the other teams that Eddie Rake had coached, and there former players. Neely gets an inside look how Eddie Rake was outside of football by talking to some of the former players and how he was so different off the field. They talk about how Eddie Ran a kid so hard that he had a heart attack and died and how he was kicked from being head coach after 32 years. This book will take you through the twists and turns with Neely as he tries to forgive his Coach who that he hated so long. I would recomend this for any athlete or anyone who likes a good sports book.

James Taylor Purple Heart

I read the book Puple Heart by Patricia McCormick. This novel is about a soldier named Matt that was fighting in Iraq and was wounded in battle. He wakes up in an Iraq army hospital and the doctors say he is suffering from Traumatic Brain Injury. Matt is awarded the Purple Heart from being injured in combat. During his stay in the hospital he kept having dreams about a memory he had of a young boy being shot. He didnt know who it was or why he was dreaming of him. His fellow soldier Justin visited him once and a while and told him some things that happened to see if he could remember and as days went by he started to remember more. It made me feel more pitty for soldiers that leave their families and go and fight for our country. It also makes me think about all the things that they have to put behind them. "You were under fire..." Matt says. That statement says he was under fire and they most likely had to fire back and who knows if they killed anyone and they have live with that for the rest of their lives. Wether it be the people that they killed or just something they regret doing. This book was a good read. I would suggest this book to those who are interested in the military and like to read about the conflict with Iraq.

Go Ask Alice -Anonymous --Rachel Valdivia

Go Ask Alice by Anonymous is a great book if you want to read about someone who is also a teenager going through a rough time. This book is about your typical everyday fifteen year old girl of which the book refers to as named Alice (the names, dates, places and events that occur in the book have been changed.) The main character lives just like any other teenage girl. She has siblings she can’t seem to get along with, parents she doesn’t always agree with, self-esteem issues that she struggles with and worries about grasping the attention of her one “true love”, Roger. The entire book is entries into the diary which she considered one of her best friends. Within fourteen days after the diary starts, her dad is offered a job as the Dean of Political Science at a college in another town, they have to move. “Wonderful news, Diary! We’re moving” (3). She is excited. She goes through with dating other guys but all she can seem to think about is Roger. She meets a girl at school named Beth who is coincidentally a close neighbor and they become friends. When summer arrives, Beth goes away to a summer camp and Alice goes to spend summer back with her grandparents. While at her grandparents, her old friend, Jill, invited her to a party. Alice had dropped LSD and although she was very interested and curious, she doesn’t want to do it again. Ironically enough, she keeps experimenting with more drugs. Alice returns home, as does Beth. They’ve both changed. Alice meets a girl named Jill, who is also into drugs. After being friends for a while they decide to move away together, they both continue their drug use. “I don’t know what the hell hour or day or even year it is, or even what town” (97). It’s too much for her to handle so she moves back home because she misses her family, they forgive her. She meets a guy named Joel, who is a student at the university where her father works. They get to know each other and she realizes that this is the guy for her. The death of Alice’s grandmother brings the two closer together. Alice unexpectedly wakes up in a hospital bed and is told that someone put LSD in her food while she was babysitting, she ended up going crazy. She has to be registered into a mental hospital. While in there, she cannot wait to be released and reunite with Joel and her family. This book doesn’t sugar coat reality, I highly recommend it to anyone.

Jose Garza "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde"

“Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”, a story of one person with two minds from the perspective of another. It is told in the third person view of a lawyer that answered to the name Mr. Utterson and was a close friend of Jekyll’s so he knew him well. When a murder occurs in the middle of the night, Mr. Utterson was called to decide who the murderer was and why. A woman that had witnessed the murder tells the lawyer that it was Mr. Hyde. He comes to the conclusion that it was sudden rage from a random passerby. But after a closer study of the victim’s body and a series of events the “Random” theory turns into something more planned. After a few days of searching, Mr. Utterson finds Dr. Jekyll in his home. Mr. Poole, Jekyll’s elderly servant fetches Dr. Jekyll. Utterson is very concerned about his old friend. He worries about Jekyll’s association with Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll’s will dedications. In Jekyll’s will it seems that the good doctor was forced to give all his belongings to Hyde, like it was written against his will. Yet Jekyll seems unperturbed by this fact. Nothing makes sense about the situations in this book. Although if the reader can stick to it and read on, everything comes together with a horrifying twist at the end that leave the reader wanting more and with even more questions than to begin with. I personally think it was a good book. I found it hard to finish but the conclusion was a mix of satisfaction and wonderment. “Is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde one in the same?” or “Are they two separate beings that share the same physical attachment?” and my favorite question of all, “What are the limits of human emotions?”

The Lovely Bones- Samantha Cowan

             I read the book “The Lovely Bones” by Alice Sebold. The story is told by Susie Salmon, who is a fourteen-year-old girl who has been raped and killed by her serial killer neighbor George Harvey. She lives in Pennsylvania with her parents and her younger sister Lindsey. Susie is telling her story from an ‘in between state,’ looking over the people she left behind, and watching her killer.  

Susie's family struggles with her death. A detective named Len Fenerman is in charge of the murder case. Do to the lack of evidence; he is unable to solve the case. Lindsey and her father are convinced that Mr. Harvey is guilty. They become angry at Len when there isn’t enough evidence to prosecute him, and then Mr. Harvey quietly leaves the neighborhood.

Len and Abigail start an affair. Abigail leaves her family and travels to California, where she can live an anonymous life and attempt to escape her misery. Susie's grandmother comes to stay with the rest of her family and helps them begin to live a normal life again.

Two of Susie's school friends, Ray Singh and Ruth Connors, are really affected by her death. Ray and Susie shared her only kiss, and Ray is shortly viewed as a suspect in her murder of Susie. Susie’s spirit touches Ruth when she leaves Earth. Ruth then becomes obsessed with Susie, the death of her, and ‘ghosts.’

Susie is not capable of letting her life on earth go. She watches Lindsey grow up, fall in love and become a woman. Susie's father has a heart attack, and Abigail returns home to the family. When Abigail returns, her family begins to build their bond again, because they are all coming to terms with Susie’s death, realizing they can’t change the past.  

Mr. Harvey is never caught by the police, but he dies before he can do what he did to Susie to anyone else.

Before she is able to move on, Susie returns to earth one last time, and her spirit enters Ruth's body. She makes love to Ray Singh, so she will finally have freedom from the past, and acceptance that she no longer has a future on earth. She is finally able to pass on to a ‘true heaven’ to find peace.

“And they had never understood, as they did now, what the word horror meant.” –Susie Salmon talking about how they now understand what it means from experiencing her death.

“My mother had been the one who knew the meaning of every charm on my bracelet – where we had gotten it and why I like it. She made a meticulous list of what I'd carried and worn.” –Susie Salmon This shows how close her family was.

Killian Norton - Escape From Furnace

The series that I have been reading is a science fiction series called Escape from Furnace written by Alexander Gordon Smith. The books are LockdownSolitaryDeath sentenceFugitives, and Execution.
It starts with a boy named Alex and his friend named Toby; they rob houses for Quid (Money). They found a house that was loaded with quid and electronics and when they break in to rob the house something isn’t right. Though they keep going. Soon Alex hears screams from toby downstairs and then he gets attacked a hulking man known as a Blacksuit (which is a guard of furnace Penitentiary). They soon both get caught by the blacksuits only so that they could frame Alex for Toby’s murder.
After Alex gets sent to Furnace penitentiary and is sentenced for life. When Alex is sent down into the prison, he meets his cellmate named Donavan. After Donavan shows Alex the cell he informs Alex that the prison isn’t like any other prison. The blacksuits take people in the night then turn them into blacksuits and other things that are so twisted and sick that even murderers in the prison get sick when they see them.

After being in the prison for about a month and a half he gets tired of being their so he comes up with a plan to escape. To all of his friends the plan seems crazy. Because how can u escape from a prison that is a mile underground and ran by two century old people who create monsters to keep the prisoners in check and eventually plan to wage war on all countries on Earth? Crazy? Or Insane?

The Last Picture Show - Larry McMurtry --- Brina Fox

          The Last Picture Show by Larry McMurtry is about a friendship not only between two people but between a whole town. The main character’s name is Sonny Crawford and he comes from the town of Thalia. Like many small towns this town is based on Friday night football games and after that they all gather at the pool hall, word always travels fast and everybody knows everybody. Though everyone knew Sonny he didn't feel like he belonged, and often felt like he was out of place. He never shared these thoughts or feelings with anybody, not even his best friend Duane Jackson. Duane and Sonny share a room in the rooming house and a pick up. Duane is dating the richest girl in town, Jacy Farrow whom Sonny has had a crush on ever since he laid eyes on her. Duane is madly in love and can’t wait to marry Jacy someday. Sonny is described as a sensitive and caring guy but he has always wanted to be more like Duane who is popular and handsome. The boys are also very close to Sam the Lion who owns the pool hall and the café. Sam also took care of a mentally retarded boy named Billy, Billy loved to sweep the town and went missing for hours only to be found sweeping the other side of town. Sonny looked up to Sam as and thought of him as a great example of what he wanted to be when he was older. When basketball season starts Sonny finds himself in an affair with the coach’s wife after the coach asked for him to take his wife to the doctor. Sonny came to her house often and Ruth (coach’s wife) began to fall in love with Sonny. Ruth was not treated with love by her husband, she got married to the wrong man and her religion is keeping her in the marriage. After Duane and Jacy broke up he found no reason to stay in Thalia and left for boot camp. Jacy then found interest in Sonny. Jacy enjoyed attention much like her mother; she would do anything for the town to recognize her name as if being wealthy wasn't enough. This left Ruth alone again and heartbroken again. At first it seems that this book has nothing to do with a picture show, but every Saturday many people go to the picture show, it's been a tradition for the longest time it was Billy's favorite thing. One day it had to be shut down, the picture show business just wasn't bringing in enough money. This devastated Billy and he was never the same without the picture show. There are many surprises in this book that keep you wondering what might happen next. From deaths to new affairs there is no dull moment in this novel. I really enjoyed reading this because it always kept me interested and waiting for the next surprise. Even though this book is very graphic in the sexual sense, it’s not a terrible book and very easy to enjoy, in a not so perverted way. I do recommend this to anyone who likes a drama filled plot.

Iron Man by Chris Crutcher - Dalton Knoll

I read the book Iron Man by Chris Crutcher. This book is about a 17 year old boy named Brewster who has some serious anger management issues who uses that anger to train for the Iron Man he eventually wants to participate in. His anger issues get him in trouble with his school and have been suspended 3 times in the first three months. The major conflict in the story is when he gets suspended his 3rd time and the only way they will let him back is if he attends a anger management class before school. Brewster turns to the only person he thinks will listen to him who is Larry King. Brewster has many conflicts in his life including his dad and his football coach/English teacher Mr. Redmond. Brewster does not like to be told how to do things and often opposes his dad and Mr. Redmond’s authority. In his letters to Larry King Brewster describes his goal for excellence with his own ways of doing things and his quest to be a Triathlete. Mr. Serbousek is one of the few people in Brewster’s life who tries to push him forward and encourage him on his goals in life and takes time out of his day to help him. The first time Brewster walks into his anger management class he thinks all the kids in there are future serial killers, and freeway snipers. But over the course of the class he realizes these kids weren’t so different then he is. He eventually falls in love with a girl In the class named Shelly who loves a physical challenge even more then he does who in the future become an American Gladiator. I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it for anybody who loves a physical challenge and would rather do things their own way instead of being told how to do it.

The Five People You Meet in Heaven- Brittany Lanum

The book I read was called “the five people you meet in heaven” by Mitch Albom. Eddie is a war veteran who feels trapped in a meaningless life of fixing amusement rides at a seaside park by the name of Ruby Pier. As the park has changed over the years so, has Eddie, from optimistic youth to cranky old age. His days are a dull routine of work, loneliness, and regret. Then, on his 83rd birthday, Eddie dies in an accident, trying to save a little girl from a falling cart. With his final breath, he feels two small hands in his and then nothing. He wakes up in the afterlife, where he learns that heaven is not exactly what he thinks, but a place where your life on earth is explained to you by five people who were in it. These people may have been loved ones or strangers. Yet each of them changed your path forever. One by one, Eddie's five people illuminate the unseen connections of his life on earth. The Blue Man is the first person Eddie meets in heaven. Eddie did not know the Blue Man when he was a child but his actions were responsible for the Blue Man’s death. The Captain is the second person Eddie meets in heaven and is also his former captain in World War II. Ruby is the third person that Eddie meets in heaven. When Eddie meets Ruby, in heaven, she is elderly; however when Ruby was younger, she worked as a waitress at a diner in Eddie’s town. Marguerite was the fourth person that Eddie met in heaven. Marguerite was the love of Eddie’s life; when he was young he met her at the pier and she then continued to be the happiness in Eddie’s life until she died and he became unhappy. I have completely finished this book and figured out who the last person is that he meets, but so far this book is very interesting and I like it.  

The Lovely Bones- Nicole Klenklen

                I read the book “The Lovely Bones” by Alice Sebold. This book is about a girl who gets murdered in her suburb town. She tells the story from her point of view in heaven and from her past and how things connect with one another. She tells you about how her life is in heaven but how much she misses everyone. She watches her family go through the hurt and the pain of the loss of her. She watches the person that killed her also and sees how and where he hides everything. While she is watching the detectives try to help her family to figure out who is was she tries to give signals and signs to them on earth. As the story gets closer to the ending the family gets closer and closer to finding out who the murder was. There is alot of dramatic irony in this book.

                Susie is the girl who got killed by her neighbor when she was coming home from school one evening. She is the main character of this story and also the narrator. She tells the story in 1st person from he view from heaven. She tells what she sees in heaven and the new friends she makes. You also learn some stories of how the other people in heaven passed.

                Mr. Harvey is the man who killed Susie. He acts oblivous to everything that is going on and acts like its just a normal day. He goes along with what everyone says and acts as clueless as everyone else when he was the one who committed the crime.

                This book was every enjoyable. It keeps you wanting to read more and more as the story goes on. It is a kind of book that always makes you want to know more and wonder what is going to happen next. It’s a fantastic read and I hope you decide to read it one day! You WONT be disappointed! (:

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Johnny got his Gun, Chris Guyle

"Johnny got his Gun" by Dalton Trumbo is an antiwar story. Joe Bonham enlists in the army, and just a few short weeks later he is drafted to go fight in world war 1. Before Joe went to war he had a normal life, he had a girlfriend, a job at a factory, friends, and a family who loved him. A week before Joe goes to war, his father passes away from illness. Joe at this time has a lot on his mind because of the war and his father passing away. A week later Joe goes to war and fights on the frontline. At night during night watch the enemy launches a mortar shell and Joe gets blown up. After the traumatic injury the triage unit comes and loads Joe onto a cot and into an ambulance and they take him to the military hospital. Joe can't feel anything besides the pinching and scraping and digging of scalpels and equipment in his skin, he don't know what was going on until he tries to move his arms and he realizes that the nurses and staff have amputated both his arms and legs off. At this point Joe is freaking out, and he then realizes he can't talk because the lower jaw has also been blown off along with half his face. The nurse starts to wonder if Joe is trying to communicate, or if he is having a seizure, so the nurse goes and gets help and the charge nurse injects him with a drug to knock him out. Joe is so mingled and battered that he can't tell whether if its day or night, or if he is awake or asleep.  Joe then realizes that he can't do anything because he is a quad amputee and that he has no way to communicate or to keep himself company. Joe has flash backs to when he was a child and a young man, and he would go fishing with his dad and losing his dads favorite fishing pole. Then he had a flashback to when his dad catches him using Morris code with a friend by using two cans and a string running between the two houses, after that flashback Joe discovers and remembers that the army uses Morris code to communicate. To know how the story ends you have to read the novel.

Pablo Martinez III Along Came a Spider

After reading Along Came a Spider I found out what it’s like to be inside the head of a detective and the criminal. The main character is Alex Cross he is a Washington, D.C. homicide investigator and forensic psychologist that is put on the case of two high value children. His skills are tested and strained as he looks for the criminal and to save the children. The book opens with and actual kidnaping that happened and then leads in to the introduction of Alex cross the protagonist of the story. Alex is a black detective for the Washington police department. He has two kids and lives with his mother at his house. Alex is called early in the morning to a crime scene of a murdered black family. He does not like going to scenes that early because he says “it’s going to be a bad day. After he gets all the evidence and he studies the body’s for a while be for he gets called to Washington day elementary school. Not too long before that you meet Mr. Soneji the antagonist of our little nightmare.  Soneji played as a teacher at the school and kidnapped two high value children and take them for the most horrifying adventure of their lives. Their names were Alex cross meets Jezzie Flannagan the head of the children's Secret Service. Alex and Jezzie risk life and limb to save the two small children. I love the book it gets your heart going and the adrenalin pumping. It’s a good mystery thriller for those who like the genre and decent sized books. The down side is that is starts a bit slow and has some slow parts but other than that it is a really good book.

the one flew over the cuckkoos nest- RJ EDWARDS

The One Flew Over the Cuckoos nest

The one who flew over the coo koos nest was about a man that has a mental disorder and he feels like he is different than everybody else but really he is just like all the others Chief Bromden, the half-Indian narrator of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, has been a patient in an Oregon psychiatric hospital for ten years. and he suffers from hallucinations and delusions. Bromden’s worldview is dominated by his fear of what he calls the Combine, a huge operation that controls society and forces people into places they don’t want to go to. Bromden pretends to be deaf and dumb and tries to go unnoticed, even though he is six feet seven inches tall.When Randle McMurphy arrives as a transfer from the Pendleton Work Farm, Bromden senses that something is different about him. McMurphy swaggers into the ward and introduces himself as a gambling man with a fantasy for women and cards. After McMurphy experiences his first Group Meeting, he tells the patients that Nurse Ratched is a ball-cutter. The other patients tell him that there is no getting rid of her, because in their eyes she is an all-powerful force. McMurphy makes a bet that he can make Ratched lose her temper within a week.At first, the fighting between Ratched and McMurphy provide entertainment for the other patients., however, soon stimulates the rest of them into rebellion. The success of his bet hinges on a failed vote to change the television schedule to show the World Series, which is on during the time allotted for cleaning chores. McMurphy stages a protest by sitting in front of the blank television instead of doing his work, and one by one the other patients join him. Nurse Ratched loses control and screams at them. In Part II, McMurphy, filled  with victory, taunts Nurse Ratched and the staff with abandon. Everyone expects him to get sent to the Disturbed ward, but Nurse Ratched keeps him in the regular ward, thinking the patients will soon see that he is just as cowardly as everyone else. McMurphy eventually learns that committed patients are stuck in the hospital until the staff decides they are cured. When McMurphy realizes that he is at Nurse Ratched’s mercy, he begins to submit to her authority. By this time, however, he has unintentionally become the leader for the other patients, and they are confused when he stops standing up for them. Cheswick, when McMurphy fails to join him in a stand against Nurse Ratched, drowns in the pool in a possible suicide.Cheswick’s death signals to McMurphy that he has unwittingly taken on the responsibility of rehabilitating the other patients. He also witnesses the harsh reality of electroshock therapy and becomes genuinely frightened by the power wielded by the staff. The weight of his obligation to the other patients and his fear for his own life begins to wear down his strength and his sanity. I really liked this book there was really no dull moments in the book he was always up to something or getting in trouble so I definetley recommend the book.

Angels and Demons By Dan Brown

I read the book angels and demons by Dan Brown and it was a very interesting book and I really enjoyed reading it for being 569 pages.  The book starts off with the main character Robert Langdon getting a mysterious phone call from a man saying a physicist at a place called stern had been murdered and he wanted Langdon to investigate because he was a religious iconology professor at Harvard and had knowledge of the word seared in the man’s skin “illuminati”. The illuminati is one of the most powerful underground organizations and they were using the murder to kick start there plan to take out there most hated enemy, the catholic church. Langdon’s fears are confirmed on the eve of the Vatican’s holy conclave when a messenger of the Illuminati announces he has hidden an unstoppable time bomb at the heart of Vatican City. With the countdown of the bomb underway Langdon goes to Rome to team up with Vitoria vertta an Italian physicist also related to the murdered physicist. They will embark on a frantic adventure through 400 plus year old tunnels, catacombs, and sealed crypts to find the hidden bomb to try and save the Vatican city. This book is a great thriller and shows the past and present of the dark truths and the battle of science and religion turns to war.  I would defiantly recommend this book to anyone who would be interested in a great thriller of a book.

Tazz Eastman - The Saga of Larnten Crepsley - By Darren Shan

I read the book called The Saga of Larnten Crepsley, by Darren Shan it’s a great book filled with a tale of mystical world were vampires walk the planet in the shadows of night. The killer branded as a killer and focused to leave his home or to face a rioting mob that might kill him if they caught him.  By luck and a key role played by nature he toke shelter with what is now the rest of his life. He later meet a kid who just under went some unfortunate events. They soon become close enough to call each other brothers and that’s where our story skips a couple of years. Like Larnten says “it can’t be that bad.” If you never try then you’ll never know. I would recommend the book to anyone who likes vampires and action adventures. It has several others in the book that relates to the book and is a follow up to this one and is a branch of Circa da Freak serous.

I have never really liked to read or write but when it comes to this book I feel like I could read it all day. It gives you a clear image of what you think it so much so you “use your imagination” (SpongeBob). The details that they add to a scene make it very clear to me why I love the book. I would recommend this to a lot of people even if they think they wouldn’t like it, because you can judge a book by its cover. The end will leave you wanting more but don’t worry because it has four others in the serious that are just as good as the first, and that’s only the beginning of what happens, but if you want to find out what happens you are going to have to pick up a copy and read it yourself. 

Go Ask Alice - Carla Brown

I read a book called Go ask Alice, the author is anonymous. The novel is about teenage girls life, and her journal is over the course of two years and a couple days. Her life instantly changed when her family moved to a new town, and she doesn't like the new town at all. Over the summer she went back to her old town to stay with her grandparents. Her and her old friend decided to go to a party. While she was the she got drugged with LSD that was put in everyone’s coco cola bottles as a game. Everyone else had assumed Alice was aware of what the "game” was. After that she tried marijuana, and amphetamines. She thinks the more drugs she does, the more interesting her diaries will be.
         After a pregnancy scare and coming back to her new town she turned away from drugs. Until she got sucked in to a drug crowd and starts dating a drug dealer there in her new town. She found out that he had been using her to sell his drugs; she ran away with her friend and started a boutique. After being raped by her friends boss and her boss’s boyfriend, her and her friend Chris went back home.
         When she came back the community had been treating her different and it was making her want to go back to drugs. So she weakens and runs away high. She starts having sexual relations with strangers and loses track of everything. So she asks a priest to help her get home.
        After coming home AGAIN she vows to stay completely off of drugs. Of course her old friends (the pot heads) are going to judge her because she doesn't want to be a part of that any more. One day Alice was babysitting and was drugged without knowing. While intoxicated she has a violent, bad trip, and while it was happening  her neighbor locks her in the closet, and she gets hurt really bad trying to claw her way out. She had to go to a psychiatric hospital. After she was released she was finally happy and over her drug addiction. She starts a new relationship with a student, Joel, at her dad’s university. She gets her life back on track and finally makes the decision to stop keeping a diary.
Main Characters
Alice: the Anonymous dairy writer that tells us the story about her life.
Diary: This is the journal that “Alice” writes in and tells every detail about her life in. “Alice” wrote “Anyway I feel closer to you than I do to even Debbie ad Marie and Sharon who are my very best friends.” Diary isn’t a character, but it played a big role in “Alice’s” life in how she coped with life around her.
Joel:  He is the first person who gets “Alice” to start trusting people and gets her out of her shell. He can relate to Alice on the aspect of losing family, because he lost his father when he was young. He  doesn't push her about getting to know her every secret and accepts that her drug usage is in the past when he learns that that is why she was in the hospital.
"Can't I even have the privacy of my own soul?" p.8.
"I want so much to be someone important, or even just asked out by a boy every once in a while. Maybe the new me will be different." p10.
"I'm partly somebody else trying to fit in and say the right things and do the right thing and be in the right place and wear what everybody else is wearing. Sometimes I think we're all trying to be shadows of each other..." p16
My opinion
In my opinion I think the book was pretty good actually. I think everybody has had someone they know, whether it’s a family friend or maybe even your family member that has had a problem with drugs. Its not a fun thing to see someone go through. But this book kind of helps you get a better look at the things that drugs can do to you.

The Christmad Box Sierra Barger- Perry

Sierra Barger- perry The Christmas Box The Christmas Box is mainly about an elderly lady Mary Parkins, and a 3 person family the Evanses. I highly recommend this book if you enjoy Christmas and love. Richard is the husband and dad, Keri the wife and mother, and Jenna the daughter. Mary put a ad in the newspaper looking for someone who could take care of her I her house. The Evanses were already struggling with payments while trying to run a business retail store selling tuxedos and dinner dresses plus they didn’t have enough room for all of them in that small apartment, Jenna was 4 sleeping in a crib still because they didn’t have room for another bed. The Evanses called Mary as soon as they discussed the ad and scheduled an interview to meet her. After the interview and introducing there selves they moved in, during the process of moving in their things and extra things into the attic Richard came upon a box. Days went by and Mary and the family came close to each other eating dinner together and sitting in the den having peaceful conversations by the fire. Soon Jenna started to bring up and realize how her daddy has been working a lot. Some nights Richard has dreams about an angel and told his wife about it and never really could understand why this angel kept showing up in his dreams, well one night Richard heard strange music coming from somewhere, he got up and followed the music all the way to the attic and found it coming from the box he found when they first moved. Richard opened the box and the music stopped which he found odd because usually music turns on when you open this kind of box. When he opened it he found it full of letters and started to read a peace of one and after reading a peace of it it seemed to him to be a love letter but the letter was wrote before her husband had died he put the letter back and left with suspicion back to his room. The next morning Richard rushed to work, almost forgetting to tell Jenna goodbye she asked for him to read a story he said he didn’t have time so she asked if he could help her cut out her angel he gave her a kiss and left to work. Jenna went down to see Mary and Mary sat Jenna in her lap and Jenna asked why her daddy works to much and Mary didn’t have an explanation. Later that night Mary asked Richard a question, she asked if he ever wondered what the first gift was. He didn’t understand and she got frustrated and left the room. The next morning Richard told Keri about the question and she had no idea what the answer was either. Later Mary asked him if he figured out the answer to the question yet and he replied no. Mary gave Richard a book and told him to read it to Jenna he said okay and continued reading his newspaper she have him a look and said NOW. He looked at the book and said okay, he took the book to Jenna’s room and asked if she was still awake, Jenna replied you forgot to tuck me in. Richard told her sorry and said I brought a book for you to read and Jenna jumped up in excitement. The book was about little girls whose daddy worked to much. After the book he kissed her goodnight and went to bed. Later that day he went to the box and read another letter it also was a love letter and it seemed it was wrote every Christmas. He went downstairs and Mary came down that morning and broke the news how she has a tumor on her brain everyone gathered in a group hug no one didn’t know what to say. Days went buy and Keri went to wake Mary up for dinner one day and she wouldn’t wake she ran and called an ambulance and across the street to the family friend of Mary’s and had him come look. Mary was taken to the hospital. Later that day Richard got a letter while everyone was at the hospital with Mary and asked the family friend about the letter. He took Richard to a grave yard and showed him a grave shaped like an angel and reviled the letters are love letters but not to a mistress but her daughter. Then he understood her question the first gift was a child. Richard went to the hospital because he got the call that Mary is dying and they all went in the room and Jenna gave her a angel she made and Mary asked if he understood her question yet and he said es and sorry for reading your letters and she said they were meant to be read and that she is ready to go cause her angel is waiting for her. Seconds later Mary was gone.

The Last Thing I Remember - Andrew Klavan - Tyler Greene

My book is The Last Thing I Remember by Andrew Klavan. The book is written about a young boy in high school. His dilemma is he goes to sleep one night happy to have his dream girl’s number written on his hand only to wake up and find himself a year older and tied to a death chair. He fights to escape the terrorists who have him tied to the chair and runs into the forest. He finds his way to the police only to be arrested and told he killed one of his best friends in the last year that has become a blank. They keep him under heavy guard as he has broken out of prison before, but he must break free and clear his name. He escapes and learns that the terrorists he escaped from are planning to kill a government leader. Now he feels it is his responsibility to save the government leader. Along the way he meets many helpful and some not so helpful people. He meets a young girl and her mother after breaking free from the terrorists and the mother helps him but soon betrays him when she learns he is a murderer. After he is arrested he meets Detective Rose who has a personal vendetta against him after a mishap between the two. He escapes Detective Rose as well and meets a mentally ill woman named Jane who gives him a place to stay for a night’s rest. She helps him figure out some of the clues he’s picked up which helps him attempt to save the government leader. He makes it to the government leader in time to meet one of the terrorists, one that he knows. You’ll have to read the book to reveal the ending. It is the first book of a series. I recommend this book to anyone who likes a suspenseful mystery book.

The Sleeper Awakes - Jesse Best

The novel I’ve been reading is The Sleeper Awakes by H.G. Wells, published in 1910. It’s a science fiction story that is way ahead of its time for being written more than 100 years ago. It starts with a man sitting in a cave named Graham who hasn’t slept for many weeks because he’s having family problems and he is addicted to drugs. He is discovered by another man named Isbister who talks with him and becomes a friend of his, and invites him back to his house for food. Suddenly at the house, Graham goes into a coma. Soon after, they arrive at the hospital and Graham is put under observation for a few years. While this is happening, Isbister is out buying lots of property and is becoming very wealthy, soon owning most of earths land. As time progresses, Isbister is getting older and needs to put his inheritance into something he knows will be trustworthy, so he places everything into Grahams life, knowing he will not wake up seeing as its already been many years. The twist is that he awakes….203 years in the future. He wakes up to see many strange things and too many surprised faces that had no idea he was going to ever be reanimated. Isbister, when he was alive, described Grahams state as, “…,empty. Not dead a bit, and yet not alive. It’s like a seat vancant and marked ‘engaged.’ No feeling, no digestion, no beating of the heart – not a flutter. That doesn’t make me feel as if there was a man present. In a sense it’s more dead than death, for these doctors tell me that even the hair has stopped growing. Now with the proper dead, the hair will go on growing- “The most prominent idea that stuck in Grahams head was how every living person he knew was now dead.

Lord of the Flies

By: William Goulding  

Report By: Nick Yeske

The story takes place during the middle of a harsh war. Some planes crashed and left two twins on a beach parachuting down to an island they thought may be inhabited by a beast of some sort. The boys ended up falling asleep waking up the next day to find that they were not the only people on the beach the most significant ones in this story are Ralph, Piggy, Jack. Jack and Ralph are the two leaders (keeping in mind that these are just young kids). Early on they try to carry out a hunting expedition to find what the younger kids on the island call the beast. They end up finding a parachute in the shape of a deformed ape and Jack and Ralph are trying to decide whether or not to tell the other kids or not. Jack went to the other kids to try and proclaim that Ralph was a coward and that he shouldn’t be chosen to lead the group so in essence they both go their separate ways on how they want to do things on the island. When Jack declares himself the leader of the group, he organizes a group of hunters to go on a brutal hunt. After the fact they came back with a sow or a pig and had its head on a stake which you can imagine would be very frightening to small children, they did this to try and make an offering to the beast so that they would not “hurt” them in anyway. One of the boys Simon has a terrible vision one night that the head is speaking to him and that the boys and nobody could escape the “lord of the flies” or some might say they devil or evil within us. The next morning Simon goes to the top of one of the mountains to find the so called beast. Yet all he finds is the dead parachuter. Finding this Simon realizes there is no beast and that it was all in the kids imagination. When Simon goes to tell the other boys they se his shadowy figure emerging in the trees, they kill him with their bare hands and teeth. (Still keeping in mind these boys are extremely young.  The next morning Jack and Piggy discuss what has happened and the other boys attacked them and took piggy’s glasses. All the boys end up getting in a fight and one of the boys which I believe is Sam rolled a boulder down a hill and ended up crushing and killing piggy, this story truly shows the brutality of human nature. Ralph ended up escaping. Ralph ends up hiding for the night and in the morning finds the Sows head and destroys it. He soon realizes he has to go back on the beach and when he does he collapse from exhaustion, the other boys eventually see him and before they get there they see a British naval ship and the officer walks on the beach and he sees what has happened. The End.

Hope George - The Great Gatsby

I read the book “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The book is being read by a narrator named Nick Carraway, who moves right outside of  New York City to become closer to family. The family he moves closer to is his cousin, Daisy. The last time Nick saw Daisy was when she was married to her husband Tom, after they were married Daisy and Tom moved away. Daisy and Tom moved all over the world and came back to New York to raise their daughter.
Nick moved across the shore from Daisy in a wealthy community. But, his house was very small compared to all the others around him. As a matter of fact, Nick’s little house was near the biggest house in the entire neighborhood. Nick looked around curious of the man who lived there, and saw a shadow of a person who seemed to be watching him at all times.
Shortly after the time that Nick moved to New York he went to Daisy’s home to give her a visit and enjoy a nice afternoon. While he was there, Nick found out that Daisy was not happy in her relationship with Tom and that he had another woman on the side he would go visit in the city. Also, while Nick was visiting Daisy she had a friend named Jordan there as well. Nick thought that Jordan was a very nice looking woman and was attracted to her immediately. Jordan had mentioned a man named Gatsby who lived across the bay next to Nick. Nick was curious and asked Jordan how she knew him. Jordan explained that Gatsby had large parties every weekend, the whole city would come into that man’s very large house.
Nick eventually met up with Gatsby and they became friends and went out to lunch, and spent some time together. But, Nick had felt very suspicious about some of the things that Gatsby had to say about himself. Gatsby had met up with Jordan and asked her to talk to Nick about Gatsby meeting up with Daisy some time. When Jordan and Nick got together, she explained to him that Daisy and Gatsby had met once before, before he went into the war and they were a very close couple and planned to spend the rest of their lives together. The reason Gatsby wanted Jordan to meet with Nick was because Gatsby wanted to meet up with Daisy at Nick’s house someday.
Later that week, Nick went to pay Daisy a visit to talk to her about coming over for tea one day to have some tea. Little did she know she was going to be meeting up with Gatsby. She agreed to come over without Tom for a couple hours.
The rest is for you to find out! I really enjoyed reading this book, quite a few people said it would be boring, but its very interesting and keeps you on the edge of your seat.

The Great Gatsby- Blaine Hawley

The Great Gatsby, Written By Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald, Review by Blaine Hawley The Great Gatsby summary of the plot a young man moves in next to Jay Gatsby in a very large mansion in the neighborhood of many wealthy people. Nick Carraway is a journalist that has recently moved to the west egg form the east egg the west egg is unfashionable unlike the east egg which is fashionable. The west egg is home to many recently rich people so that most of them have not had time to create and find social connections. To try to make social connections the rich display their wealth for example the man nick lives next to Jay Gatsby throws wild parties at his mansion. Nick is unlike most of the residents from the west egg he has many social connects he also was educated at Yale where he meets Tom which also married his cousin Daisy. Tom and Daisy live in the east egg right across from Gatsby Mansion. Tom and Daisy introduce Nick to Jordan Baker which will start a relationship. Jordan latter tells Nick about Toms Lover on the side Myrtle Wilson. Tom invites Nick to one of Myrtles parties at Tom’s apartment that he uses for the affair. Later that summer Gatsby invites nick to one of his famous parties where Nick sees Jordan. Gatsby talks to Jordan alone and tells her that he still loves Daisy from Louisville in 1917 and that is why we throws his wild parties trying to impress Daisy which is right across the bay from him. Nick arranged for Gatsby and Daisy to meet at a tea party they will later start an affair. Tom grows suspicious of the relationship of Gatsby and his wife Daisy. Tom has a confrontation with Tom that is when Daisy remembers that she belongs with Tom. With that being said to end the affairs on both of their parts Daisy hits Myrtle with Gatsby’s car and Gatsby take the blame for it. Tom tells George the husband of Myrtle that it was Gatsby that hit Myrtle with the car. So George angry about his wife being hit by the car he shoots Gatsby and then shoots himself. I would recommend this book because it is a good read it is interesting but it can put you to sleep while you are reading it but it is still and interesting book to read even though it can put you to sleep.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Slaughterhouse Five - Seth Gerry

The book "Slaughterhouse Five" by Kurt Vonnegut is a short novel about a soldier by the name of billy pilgrim and his trauma from being a soldier during ww2. It caused him to do many things, and being one of the few survivors from the dresden bombing doesn't help. He goes through many experiences, one of them being abducted by aliens called tralfamadorians and learning that time isn't sequential - it is a unit of measurement that us as humans use to deal with our lives. When he learns this, he realizes that its all true. He goes through flashbacks of the war, remembering how he somehow lived, the conditions that he and many other soldiers went through. He remembered the looks of the jewish inmates, all of which just seemed to not care anymore. They all had blank expressions, no feelings or faith in humanity. He remembers the soldiers who made his life turn into complete hell. He jumps back to his current life, as a dentist. Changed by the horrors and sorrow he saw in Germany, he is not himself. He remembers all that has happened, from the capture in Germany to all of the deaths he saw, which by now he's learned to cope with and says "so it goes."

     This book contains 215 pages of sad and disturbing pages, all connected by the tale of billy pilgrim. The book itself is quite small, but this is not an easy book to read. It would make you realize that the world we lived in then is completely different from the world we live in now. Nearly every page has somebody dying on it, which is why you might want to know how to cope with death because if you got into the book as much as i did, you'd have to know how to cope with death. It is not an easy read, so if you have troubles reading stories that start off slow then don't even bother looking at it. But, if you can read well then i highly suggest reading this book. It is very good once you get the idea of it being so sporadic, and will draw you in with every page after the first half chapter.

Riley Wagner- Purple Heart

If you personally are looking for a fiction the story Purple Heart by Patricia McCormick is the one for you. It's a read that people will easily understand. I am a okay reader that personally despite reading and book but something about this book just hit me. It's about an eighteen year old guy named Matt Duffy that was in the Iraq war and wakes up laying in a bed at a Iraq hospital. He receives a Purple Heart less than twenty-four hours after for his head injury. He barely remembers anything except for this little Iraqi boy, Ali. But he remembers that he was killed by the same thing that put Matt in the hospital. But his other troops in his squad said you can't trust anyone from Iraq. Matt is a young man that has to deal with so many things he is traumatized with fear and homesickness that have to protect not only the Iraqi citizens but also his squad and himself. This book helped me and could help you understand a realistic look of war. They aren't little boys playing army anymore. They are in real situations having to make difficult decisions on pulling the trigger or not. "your mind has a way of burying it." (p110) And "When something is too painful to process.”(p110) These are excellent quotes from the story that is an example of feelings after making some difficult decisions. This book makes you gain respect for any troops that are serving and served and is a book recommended to all.

Johnny Got His Gun By Dalton Trumbo Levi mf Bradley

I read Johnny got his gun it was a really good book for how long it was. The main character in the story was Joe Bonham. He was an infantry man in WWI and suffered severe injuries when a shell exploded near him. Once Joe was hit he was immediatly sent to the hospital. Joe becomes conscious while in the hospital bed. He starts to think about things from the past and the present, slowly Joe begins to realize that he has been injured. Joe then begins to feel that his arms and legs have been amputated. Then he trys to talk but he cant, neither see, hear, or smell because he no longer has a face, only a mask covering up where his face use to be. Joe wants to know why they saved him at all. The fourth year that Joe is in the hospital, some men come in and give him a purple heart for being injured in the war. Joe tries to communicate to the outside world by Morse code and it works that is the only way he is able to talk to anyone. And nobody execpt for the doctors and nurses are able to see him they wont show him to anyone cause they are scared to put the wrong impression on warfare. The book was really good I wont tell the ending cause thats for you to find out.

The return of little big man by Thomas burger

The return of little big man is told by the old man named jack Crabb also known as little big man as names by the Cheyenne Indians who he lived with. This story fallows jacks adventures all across the west and all through the east and even across the ocean too parts of Europe where he meets royalty all because of the chance that he is in the right place at the right time. We first find jack after the big fight with Custer at his last stand so jack claims he is the only white man to survive the battle he runs into none other then wild bill Hickhock in Deadwood South Dakota where wild bill gets jack a job as a barkeep jack leaves shortly after wild bill is shot blaming himself for the event the next person he runs into is none other then Bat Masterson in dodge city where jack is again running the bar of another saloon jack then meets Amanda tisdale who is a teacher at a school to reform the Indians too the white mans ways jack becomes a teacher there but has too leave after a bit misunderstanding with miss tisdale and the patron of the school. He runs into bat again in dodge and fallows him too Tombstone Arizona where bat meets up with the Earps and Doc Holiday and the famous battle at the ok corral. The next person he meets and the most influential in jacks life is buffalo bill Cody who jack becomes a private bartender for as they travel the world in buffalo bills Wild West show.

I thought this was a great book a little rough on he facts but still a great read.

Dalton Davis- The Great Gatsby

I read the Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. In the great Gatsby nick caraway moves to New York from Minnesota in the summer of 1922.He moves to New York to pursue his interest in the bond business. He rents a house in the west egg district of Long Island. The west egg district is a community of the rich and so it is a very wealthy community. The people who live here don’t have very many social connections due to their accumulation of wealth. In an effort to make social connections the rich display their wealth like nicks neighbor jay Gatsby who throws wild parties at his mansion. Nick was schooled at Yale and has social connections in east egg. In east egg lives his cousin daisy, and her husband tom a classmate of nicks. Daisy and tom introduce nick to a Ms. Jordan Baker whom he begins a relationship with. Jordan tell nick about tom lover myrtle Wilson. Shortly after his learning of toms mistress tom takes nick to New York where he meets myrtle and attends her party at tom’s apartment he keeps for his affair. During the party tom breaks myrtles nose after she taunts him about daisy.  Later that summer nick gets invited to one of Gatsby’s parties. Where he meets Ms. Baker, together they meet mister Gatsby himself.  Mr. Gatsby is a young man with an English accent who calls everyone “old sport”. Gatsby speaks to Jordan alone and tells her that he knew daisy in Louisville in 1917 and is deeply in love with her. He also tells her that he spends many nights staring at the green light at the end of her dock across the bay.  He tries to catch daisy’s attention by throwing his extravagant parties. He asks nick to arrange for them to meet, but he is afraid that his feelings will be unrequited.  Nick plans to have them meet at a tea party that he will arrange. While at the tea party, Gatsby and daisy start an affair.  Tom begins to grow increasingly suspicious of his wife Gatsby makes the mistake of staring at daisy and tom realizes that he loves her. After toms confrontation with Gatsby daisy realizes that her allegiance is with tom. Later daisy hits myrtle with Gatsby’s car and Gatsby intends to take the blame.  I would recommend this book because it shows the consequences of having so much money without the ability to support oneself with it.

Hannah Howey- The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby is set in the roaring 20's where the people stay young and the parties never end. It focuses on Jay Gatsby, a well known rich man due to his extravagant parties. The story is narrated by Nick Caraway, a young fellow in search of making making money in stocks. Mr. Caraway and Gatsby have the chance to meet at one of his grand parties and since Mr. Caraway lives right next to Gatsby it would be impossible to decline his invintation being the only guest who received one. After the party Mr. Gatsby requests that Daisy Buchanan be brought over to Mr. Caraways house since she is Nicks cousin. Once Gatsby lays eyes on Daisy a love story unfolds unlike any other. Gatsby and Daisy spend more time together as the days pass and Nick learns of their story. Gatsby had met Daisy a long time ago when he was a young officer in the army, they had fallen in love but when he was sent back to war she began to wait for letters that never came until she was set to marry Tom Buchanan only then did she receive the letter she had waited for. Now that they were together again Gatsby pushed her to divorce Tom so she could be with Gatsby but the harder he pushed the farther she went until it came to a bursting point and in a hotel loft Gatsby confronted Tom. “It had gone beyond her, beyond everything. He had thrown himself into it with a creative passion, adding to it all the time, decking it out with every bright feather that drifted his way. No amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man will store up in his ghostly heart.” After the argument Daisy and Gatsby drove back but had an accident which killed a woman, this brought about the end to Gatsby. The man who's wife was killed seeked vengeance and went to kill Mr. Gatsby. No one came to the funeral, least of all Daisy. Her and Tom were moving to a better place less haunted by the past. “He had come a long way to this blue lawn, and his dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it. He did not know that it was already behind him, somewhere back in that vast obscurity beyond the city, where the dark fields of the republic rolled on under the night. Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter — to-morrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther… .” I believe this is a good book because it shows a difference of character and a desire of things that we used to have. It is a well written exciting book!

Hunter Rios, The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is narrarated by Nick Carraway and is focused on a small group of people that Nick considers close friends. Nick moves to west egg in the early 20's for his job. He lives across the bay from his cousin Daisy and her husband Tom Buchanan, and next to man who he later finds out is Jay Gatsby. A couple more characters that come into play later in the book are George and myrtle wilson, and Jordan Baker. The book is based on Nick Carraways life in 1922 where he starts working as a journalist and moves to west egg. His neighbor Jay Gatsby, who he doesn't know much about, invites him to a party after finding out he is Daisy Buchanan's cousin. Upon arriving at Gatsby's party he finds out that Gatsby throws these huge party's that hundreds of people attend, but no one really knows anything about him. But after talking to several people at the party Nick finds out that people have many unique story's about who Gatsby is and what he's been thought. After finally meeting Gatsby, Nick finds out he really is unique, this quote that proves so "he smiled understandingly – much more than understandingly. It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you may come across four or five times in life"(48). After visiting daisy, and hanging out with Tom, Nick finds out tom is having an affair on daisy with the mechanic David Wilson's wife Myrtle as Nick and Gatsby become greater friends Gatsby ask Nick to invite him over for tea along with Daisy. When they both arrive Nick finds out Gatsby and Daisy use to have a thing. Gatsby and Daisy start seeing each other and start having an affair. Daisy invites Nick over for dinner and tells her to bring Gatsby. At dinner Tom slowly starts to find out about the affair, and when Daisy says"You look so cool""..."you always look so cool"(79) Daisy who gets upset, suggest that they all goto town and drink. After arriving in town things get heated at the apartment when their drinking, and Daisy and Gatsby leave to go home in Gatsby bright yellow car. As Nick, Tom, and Jordan head home Tom finds out as Gatsby and Daisy pass Wilson's shop they hit and killed Myrtle. After finding this out Tom tells George that it was Gatsby that killed Myrtle. But later Nick finds out Daisy was actually driving when Myrtle got hit. But unknowingly George kills Gatsby in order to get revenge. At the end of the story you find out Tom and Daisy pack up and leave leaving Nick by himself. I recommend this book for anyone who wants a good challenge in reading and likes a good drama