Wednesday, November 6, 2013

the one flew over the cuckkoos nest- RJ EDWARDS

The One Flew Over the Cuckoos nest

The one who flew over the coo koos nest was about a man that has a mental disorder and he feels like he is different than everybody else but really he is just like all the others Chief Bromden, the half-Indian narrator of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, has been a patient in an Oregon psychiatric hospital for ten years. and he suffers from hallucinations and delusions. Bromden’s worldview is dominated by his fear of what he calls the Combine, a huge operation that controls society and forces people into places they don’t want to go to. Bromden pretends to be deaf and dumb and tries to go unnoticed, even though he is six feet seven inches tall.When Randle McMurphy arrives as a transfer from the Pendleton Work Farm, Bromden senses that something is different about him. McMurphy swaggers into the ward and introduces himself as a gambling man with a fantasy for women and cards. After McMurphy experiences his first Group Meeting, he tells the patients that Nurse Ratched is a ball-cutter. The other patients tell him that there is no getting rid of her, because in their eyes she is an all-powerful force. McMurphy makes a bet that he can make Ratched lose her temper within a week.At first, the fighting between Ratched and McMurphy provide entertainment for the other patients., however, soon stimulates the rest of them into rebellion. The success of his bet hinges on a failed vote to change the television schedule to show the World Series, which is on during the time allotted for cleaning chores. McMurphy stages a protest by sitting in front of the blank television instead of doing his work, and one by one the other patients join him. Nurse Ratched loses control and screams at them. In Part II, McMurphy, filled  with victory, taunts Nurse Ratched and the staff with abandon. Everyone expects him to get sent to the Disturbed ward, but Nurse Ratched keeps him in the regular ward, thinking the patients will soon see that he is just as cowardly as everyone else. McMurphy eventually learns that committed patients are stuck in the hospital until the staff decides they are cured. When McMurphy realizes that he is at Nurse Ratched’s mercy, he begins to submit to her authority. By this time, however, he has unintentionally become the leader for the other patients, and they are confused when he stops standing up for them. Cheswick, when McMurphy fails to join him in a stand against Nurse Ratched, drowns in the pool in a possible suicide.Cheswick’s death signals to McMurphy that he has unwittingly taken on the responsibility of rehabilitating the other patients. He also witnesses the harsh reality of electroshock therapy and becomes genuinely frightened by the power wielded by the staff. The weight of his obligation to the other patients and his fear for his own life begins to wear down his strength and his sanity. I really liked this book there was really no dull moments in the book he was always up to something or getting in trouble so I definetley recommend the book.


  1. Iv read this book and i liked it also. It is an amazing book

  2. Ive read the book and this is a good summary of it. If you havent read the book or watched the movie I highly recommend both.
