Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Johnny Got His Gun By Dalton Trumbo Levi mf Bradley

I read Johnny got his gun it was a really good book for how long it was. The main character in the story was Joe Bonham. He was an infantry man in WWI and suffered severe injuries when a shell exploded near him. Once Joe was hit he was immediatly sent to the hospital. Joe becomes conscious while in the hospital bed. He starts to think about things from the past and the present, slowly Joe begins to realize that he has been injured. Joe then begins to feel that his arms and legs have been amputated. Then he trys to talk but he cant, neither see, hear, or smell because he no longer has a face, only a mask covering up where his face use to be. Joe wants to know why they saved him at all. The fourth year that Joe is in the hospital, some men come in and give him a purple heart for being injured in the war. Joe tries to communicate to the outside world by Morse code and it works that is the only way he is able to talk to anyone. And nobody execpt for the doctors and nurses are able to see him they wont show him to anyone cause they are scared to put the wrong impression on warfare. The book was really good I wont tell the ending cause thats for you to find out.


  1. I have not read this book before but it's on my bucket list now. THANKS.

  2. Sounds like a very interesting book even though I'm usually not so interested in books on war. Thanks for sharing!
