Thursday, November 7, 2013

Bleachers - by Branson Vaught

I read the book Bleachers by John Grisham. The book is about a former highschool quarterback Neely Crenshaw who has tried to keep football out of his life until he gets a call that his highschool coach has died and the funeral is this weekend. Neely was a hero to his town and everyone there. In his college career Neely hurt his knee bad and will never be able to play football again let alone barely walk. He is angry at the way his Coach Eddie Rake made him think that football is everything. He meets up with some of his buddies from highschool and the remember all the memories from there senior season. They talk about all the other teams that Eddie Rake had coached, and there former players. Neely gets an inside look how Eddie Rake was outside of football by talking to some of the former players and how he was so different off the field. They talk about how Eddie Ran a kid so hard that he had a heart attack and died and how he was kicked from being head coach after 32 years. This book will take you through the twists and turns with Neely as he tries to forgive his Coach who that he hated so long. I would recomend this for any athlete or anyone who likes a good sports book.

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