Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Bradley Homewood

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is about a boy with a very poor and trashy life. If you do not have a lot of patience to read the beginning of the story you might not like Huckleberry Finn other than that I would recommend the book.
 Having a drunk dad that goes around and causes problems whenever he gets money to drink, Huck doesn't know all that much.  He has a friend named Tom Sawyer that always convinces him to do dumb stuff. Tom Sawyer convinces Huck to join his gang and if anyone outside of the gang finds out about the gang whoever let word out about the gangs parents will be killed along with the gang member.
 Huck eventually lives with his dad for awhile and his dad locks Huck in the house and goes out and gets drunk and comes back home and beats Huck. Eventually Huck runs away from his dads home and fakes his death by killing a pig and putting blood from it all over the cabin.
 Miss Watson is a lady that tries to civilize Huck constantly and has fed and housed Huck before. Jim is Miss Watson’s slave and runs away fearing Miss Watson is going to sell him to a plantation down the road. Huck and Jim meet up and work together to stay alive and what not.
Eventually Huck ends up in the home of a family called the Grangerfords who have been stuck in a war with another big family called the Shepherdsons. Huck gets tangled up in the war but he runs away to Jim's hiding place and they escape through the river.

Huckleberry Finn eventually  has a big turnaround in the story with Tom Sawyer again. The Phelpses which are Tom Sawyers Aunt and Uncle have Jim captured as their slave now. Tom and Huck meet up again and Tom makes a very complicated plan to free Jim from his own Aunt and Uncle.

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