Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Christmad Box Sierra Barger- Perry

Sierra Barger- perry The Christmas Box The Christmas Box is mainly about an elderly lady Mary Parkins, and a 3 person family the Evanses. I highly recommend this book if you enjoy Christmas and love. Richard is the husband and dad, Keri the wife and mother, and Jenna the daughter. Mary put a ad in the newspaper looking for someone who could take care of her I her house. The Evanses were already struggling with payments while trying to run a business retail store selling tuxedos and dinner dresses plus they didn’t have enough room for all of them in that small apartment, Jenna was 4 sleeping in a crib still because they didn’t have room for another bed. The Evanses called Mary as soon as they discussed the ad and scheduled an interview to meet her. After the interview and introducing there selves they moved in, during the process of moving in their things and extra things into the attic Richard came upon a box. Days went by and Mary and the family came close to each other eating dinner together and sitting in the den having peaceful conversations by the fire. Soon Jenna started to bring up and realize how her daddy has been working a lot. Some nights Richard has dreams about an angel and told his wife about it and never really could understand why this angel kept showing up in his dreams, well one night Richard heard strange music coming from somewhere, he got up and followed the music all the way to the attic and found it coming from the box he found when they first moved. Richard opened the box and the music stopped which he found odd because usually music turns on when you open this kind of box. When he opened it he found it full of letters and started to read a peace of one and after reading a peace of it it seemed to him to be a love letter but the letter was wrote before her husband had died he put the letter back and left with suspicion back to his room. The next morning Richard rushed to work, almost forgetting to tell Jenna goodbye she asked for him to read a story he said he didn’t have time so she asked if he could help her cut out her angel he gave her a kiss and left to work. Jenna went down to see Mary and Mary sat Jenna in her lap and Jenna asked why her daddy works to much and Mary didn’t have an explanation. Later that night Mary asked Richard a question, she asked if he ever wondered what the first gift was. He didn’t understand and she got frustrated and left the room. The next morning Richard told Keri about the question and she had no idea what the answer was either. Later Mary asked him if he figured out the answer to the question yet and he replied no. Mary gave Richard a book and told him to read it to Jenna he said okay and continued reading his newspaper she have him a look and said NOW. He looked at the book and said okay, he took the book to Jenna’s room and asked if she was still awake, Jenna replied you forgot to tuck me in. Richard told her sorry and said I brought a book for you to read and Jenna jumped up in excitement. The book was about little girls whose daddy worked to much. After the book he kissed her goodnight and went to bed. Later that day he went to the box and read another letter it also was a love letter and it seemed it was wrote every Christmas. He went downstairs and Mary came down that morning and broke the news how she has a tumor on her brain everyone gathered in a group hug no one didn’t know what to say. Days went buy and Keri went to wake Mary up for dinner one day and she wouldn’t wake she ran and called an ambulance and across the street to the family friend of Mary’s and had him come look. Mary was taken to the hospital. Later that day Richard got a letter while everyone was at the hospital with Mary and asked the family friend about the letter. He took Richard to a grave yard and showed him a grave shaped like an angel and reviled the letters are love letters but not to a mistress but her daughter. Then he understood her question the first gift was a child. Richard went to the hospital because he got the call that Mary is dying and they all went in the room and Jenna gave her a angel she made and Mary asked if he understood her question yet and he said es and sorry for reading your letters and she said they were meant to be read and that she is ready to go cause her angel is waiting for her. Seconds later Mary was gone.