Thursday, November 7, 2013

Marshall Petesch - Catch 22

Catch 22 takes place during World War 2 and is a story about an Air Force squadron.  The main character in this story is Yossarian, he is a captain and the lead bombardier in his squadron.  Through out this story you go through thinking that Yossarian is the crazy one but as you read you start to find out that he is the only sane one left.  In the beginning Yossarian is in the army hospital pretending to be sick so that he can get out of combat duty.  While he is there he is assigned to censer letters that are going home to family members.  he soon finds this to be boring so to make it interesting he starts to blacken out random words or going as far as to blacken out entire letters except one or two words.  When he finds singing his name to be boring he starts to sign his name as Washington Irving, then Irving Washington.  You can quickly see that the whole story is about Yossarian going against the norm or what is expected of him.  It is for that reason that he at first seems to be the crazy one, when all he is trying to do is not die in combat.  This book does contain different points of views so that the reader can better understand the main character and the wear that war can take on you mentally.  Some other important characters include, Doc Daneeka, Colonel Cathcart, Hungry Joe, McWatt, Dunbar, and Major Major Major Major.   I personally liked this book but it is not something I would recommend to anyone.  It is a fairly difficult book to read but has a lot of corny humor in it.  This book does bring a meaning to Catch 22, which is a no win situation in which there is no escape.

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